Friday, April 13, 2007

evil twin project

this is a project that I did for my digital photography class last semester. I had a couple of my friends imagine scenarios that they might have with an evil twin, then enact each part separately. I then digitally pasted the two figures together in photoshop. Jared, my roommate, imagined his twin to be a feral, half-naked barbarian who he constantly had to clean up after and keep out of trouble; while my girlfriend, Leslie, had this to say about "Bernadette," her twin:

"My evil twin, Bernadette, is a strumpet. I am always shouting at her - in the car, around the house, at church, in front of Grandma - “Close your legs!” But she never listens. She’s been like this since we were little. And she makes me so angry, but somehow, always somehow, she’ll giggle a little and tell a joke so I wont be so angry. That’s how she traps the men. Always charming them. And the minute I think she’s not so bad she goes straight back to her pavement princess ways! Tart. Father liked her best.”

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